2021-03-24 “cometh … heareth … doeth”

Luke 6:47  “Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like:

Our Lord teaches us that true Christianity is not just being called a Christian or just saying that we are a Christian or even just calling out Christ’s name, but true Christianity is actually living in obedience to Christ and embracing His “sayings” (teachings).  Those who “cometh to” the Lord are those that the Lord has already Spiritually drawn and brought to Himself (John 6:37), giving them Spiritual Life (John 3:1-8).  Those to whom the Lord has not given Spiritual Birth have absolutely no interest in the Lord’s “sayings”, some even despise them.  To come to the Lord in this context is to leave behind the carnal things of the world and to prayerfully come to our Lords Church and to His People.  Those who “heareth” our Lord’s “sayings” are those to whom the Lord has already given the “hearing ear, and the seeing eye” (Proverbs 20:12); thus, they can hear with loving understanding and worshipful awe.  To hear the Lord in this context is to both hear the preached Word of God and to, with much prayer, mentally digest it by meditating upon it and conforming our thoughts and actions to it.  Those who “doeth” the Lord’s “sayings” are those who actually believe and embrace and proclaim the Lord’s Gospel and who live in obedience to the Word of God.  The true mark of Christianity is not just saying that we are Christians but professing and living the Lord’s “sayings” – His “sayings” are found in the Word of God, His Holy Bible, and preached by called men of God.  Notice that it is not the “tradition of men” (Colossians 2:8) that we are to hear and do, but it is the Lord’s “sayings” that we are to hear and do.  The “tradition of men” includes those things that “men” have added to the Word of God and have altered in the Word of God.  Those who “cometh to” the Lord, “heareth” His “sayings”, and “doeth them” are very strong and resilient; for, when the storms of life come upon them, they do not grieve and fall away because their strength is in the Lord (Luke 6:48).  Those who do NOT “cometh to” the Lord, nor “heareth” His “sayings”, nor “doeth them” are those who, when the storms of life come, they begin to wring their hands and cry woe is me and flee away and become ineffective in the Lord’s service (Luke 6:49); and eventually they just wither away in misery and sorrow.  So, let us kneel down and pray, then stand up straight and tall in our Lord’s service and read His Word, go to His Church, and worshipfully conform our lives to His Word (Romans 12:2).  As the Lord told Solomon, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14).