2021-07-21 “The Faithful Lord Shall Stablish And Keep You!” [From A Previous Note]

II Thessalonians 3:3  “But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

Knowing that around us are “unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith” (II Thessalonians 3:2), the Apostle Paul comforts us, telling us that “the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil”!  By nature, “all men” that “have not faith” are “unreasonable and wicked”; therefore, we cannot reason with them on the basis of godliness and morality and kindness.  Furthermore, we cannot give or instill “faith” in them, for only the Lord is “the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2).  Because they are “unreasonable and wicked”, we must expect them to do “unreasonable and wicked” things.  Such “men” are especially “unreasonable and wicked” toward the Lord, His Church, His Word, and His Children; because, “the Lord” Commands a life of morality, integrity, and faithfulness to His Word and the “wicked” are by nature totally opposed to such a life.  But, in the very face of such “unreasonable and wicked men”, “the Lord is faithful” to “stablish” us and “keep” us “from evil”.  In this context, to “stablish” is to make strong and resilient in the truth of His Holy Word so that we can endure and continue to serve the Lord in the very face of “evil”.  To “keep” us “from evil” is to “keep” the “unreasonable and wicked men” from overwhelming us, from destroying His Church, from removing His Word from us, and from preventing our worship of Him.  History is replete with the evil work of “unreasonable and wicked men”; yet, “the Lord” remains “faithful”; for, He has been perfectly “faithful” to “stablish” and “keep” us unto this very day, and I am persuaded that He will continue to do so “unto the end” (Hebrews 6:11)