2021-07-23 “the Lord … shall stablish you”

II Thessalonians 3:3  “But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

There are times when we are faced with such trouble, confusion, and despair that we would simply give up and flee away; except that “the Lord is faithful” to “stablish” us.  The root word for the word “stablish” means to ‘make stand’; so, when we simply cannot stand on our own, “the Lord” “shall stablish” us; that is, He “shall” send strength directly from Himself to us to make us stand strong and effective in His service.  In our day, like the saints of old, we are face to face with many afflictions and trials; most especially, that which is cast upon us by “unreasonable and wicked men” (II Thessalonians 3:2) who reject the Word of God and seem determined to tear down everything that is moral and good in our Country.  It is true that we are Commanded to preach, teach, and avail ourselves of the Gospel Word (Ephesians 6:10-14) so that we can both “withstand in the evil day” and “stand” against “evil”.  But, in this passage, “the Lord” “shall stablish” us; that is, when we have exhausted all our strength and ability, He, Himself will “stablish” us.  Even in the very face of “unreasonable and wicked men” we should rejoice because our “Lord is faithful”; thus, without fail, He will send to us strength and ability to worship and serve Him!