2021-07-30 “O ye sons of men” [Taken From A Previous Note]

Psalms 4:2  “O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? how long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah.

Oftentimes, it seems that satan is lurking at the door, even when we rise from prayer.  As is typical of life, after the Psalmist’s most encouraging and comforting prayer (Psalm 4:1), he immediately returns to deal with a life filled with vain and iniquitous men.  He addresses them as “ye sons of men”, meaning that their behavior is void of God’s Word for they are led by the most base carnal desires of “men”; such as, “men” who are solely motivated by greed, self-promotion, and deceit.  These “sons of men” were “men” in positions of leadership and authority.  Their hateful deeds miserably affect all the people.  We should not be surprised when we experience this same great evil in our present day.  After an uplifting Church service and fellowship with our brethren and sisters, or even after moments of personal prayer; satan, employing the “sons of men”, is waiting like “a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8).  At such times, like the Psalmist, let us call to mind, that when we are “in” some great “distress”, the Lord is there with us (Psalm 4:1), “For the LORD will not forsake his people” (I Samuel 12:22)!