Psalms 4:2 “O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? how long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah.”
Like much of the Old Testament prophecy, King David wrote this Psalm about a personal experience, yet his experience prophesied of Christ’s coming and typified His experiences on Earth. It is believed that David wrote this Psalm during the time that many of his government officials were following after Absalom who was seeking to have himself made king instead of David. In doing so, those men dishonored David and the office of the King. Those men were motivated by “vanity” (their carnal desires) and “leasing” (untruth and deceit). David’s experience was a practical prophecy for the life of our Lord while He was on Earth. We often see similar behavior by ungodly “men” today: (1) “men” publicly defame the name of our Lord. (2) “men” dishonor Him by not appreciating His blessings toward us. (3) “men” place carnal desires (“vanity”) above worship and allegiance to God. (4) “men” employ dishonesty and deceit (“leasing”) to obtain their carnal objectives. As we consider these things, let us remember that David began this account with a sincere prayer. Let us follow his example and pray “that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith” (II Thessalonians 3:2)!