2021-08-30 I am not worthy

Genesis 32:10  “I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.

Seasons of stress, trouble, fear, heartbreak, loneliness, discouragement, etc. often move us to critical introspection.  This was the case with Jacob when he was returning home and knew he would have to face his brother Esau who was a skilled hunter.  Jacob feared for his life because he had tricked his brother out of his traditional inheritance.  Jacob knew that he needed Devine deliverance from the wrath of his brother.  In reflecting upon the threat ahead of him, he examined himself and found that he was “not worthy of the lest of all the mercies, and all the truth” that the Lord had graciously and mercifully shown to him.  God had abundantly blessed Jacob, he had left home with nothing but his “staff”, now he is returning home very wealthy and with an extraordinarily large family.  The Lord had given him great insight into His will and Promises for him and his family.  Yet, he marveled at how God could so wonderfully bless such an unworthy person.  Similarly, John The Baptist declared that he was “not worthy to bear” the Lord’s “shoes” (Matthew 3:11); the “centurion” explained that He was “not worthy that” the Lord “shouldest come” into his house (Matthew 8:8); and Paul candidly declared “O wretched man that I am!” (Romans 7:24)!  Such honest humility is healthy, for it gives all honor and glory to our God as we confess that “I CANNOT DO THIS WITHOUT GOD’S MERCIFUL DELIVERANCE”; but, “I can do all things” (in the Lord’s service) “through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13).  The Lord did deliver Jacob, He moved his brother to warmly welcome him home!  The Lord is still delivering us!