2021-10-18 “our hope of you is stedfast”

II Corinthians 1:7  “And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.

Paul had a ‘reasonable expectation’ (“hope”) that while the Church was “partakers of the sufferings”, they would also be “partakers” “of the consolation”.  One of the great Christian joys is knowing that, while in “the world” we “shall have tribulation”, but we have good reason to, at the same time, “be of good cheer” because our Almighty Lord has “overcome the world” (John 16:33).  In every generation, the “world”, that does “not” lovingly and worshipfully know our Lord (John 1:10), is filled with those who hatefully pursue and persecute those who do love and worship the Lord.  This vile world is the source of our “sufferings”.  But, while we are in the midst of the “suffering”, we can rejoice because our gracious and merciful God is always nearby with His comforting “consolation”.  When our Lord consoles us, with His Holy Spirit, He tenderly and lovingly draws us to the blessed refuge of His side where He wipes away our tears, sooths our fears, melts away our discouragement, and fills us with the peace of His Holy Presence; thus, we are pleasantly comforted.