2022-01-24 “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus”

II Timothy 2:1  “Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

The “grace that is in Christ Jesus” is contrasted to the harsh unfaithfulness and unreliability of the world around us; oftentimes we even find ourselves to be unfaithful and unreliable whether by intent or by human frailties.  This blessed “grace that is in Christ Jesus” covers the whole spectrum of our relationship with God; His Eternal Choice of a particular people, His Sacrificial Death to pay our sin-debt, His exclusive act to give us Spiritual Birth, the fellowship with Him in His Church, the blessed comfort and joy of His Gospel, His Divine provision and care in this present life, and His Sure-Promise of Eternal life with Him in Glory.  We are charged to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus”; that is, diligently exercise ourselves in the Word of God which teaches us “the grace that is in Christ Jesus”.  To obtain this strength we prayerfully read it, learn it, listen to it preached, strive to understand it, speak of it, and live it.  Preachers are specifically charged to “preach the word” (II Timothy 4:2); that is, “preach the word” exclusively.  Strange and unhinged philosophies and fanciful ideas and extreme positions rise up in every generation.  But, we are to simply “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” as it is clearly taught in His Holy Word!