2022-06-24 “let us sing … make a joyful noise”

Psalms 95:1  “O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

This imperative exhortation was much needed in king David’s day and Hebrews Chapter Four also applies it to us.  And based upon the tepid attention given to Christianity in our present day, we are likewise in grave need of such pointed exhortation.  David points out that Israel missed out on the most coveted blessing of entering the Promised Land of Canaan, their land of “rest”, because they “tempted” God with their rebellion and disobedience (Psalm 95:9-11).  And, those who were blessed to enter Canaan, like their ancestors, soon turned from God and suffered greatly because of it until they finally cried to God.  Eventually, our merciful and gracious God would have mercy upon them and deliver them; but, it would not be long before they would cycle through their sin and rebellion again.  Thus, David reminded Israel in His day and we are reminded in our day, “O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.”.  The message to us is to “come” together and focus our minds to worship “the LORD” Who is “the rock of our salvation”.  To “sing” and “make a joyful noise” is essentially the same thing.  The primary object of this singing is to worship the Lord our God, and the simultaneous benefit to us is great joy.  We experience joy as we hear the harmony of the music we sing, and even greater joy as the sung-out words of Gospel Truth harmonizes with the Spirit in our hearts, but the greatest joy of all is felt when the Holy Spirit fills the room as we raise our voices together in songs of praise and worship.  As the Lord’s Day approaches, let us pray for our gathering and sing “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.” (Psalms 95:6); number 603 in our Hymnal!