2022-07-19 “the world knoweth us not”

I John 3:1  “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

The “world” mentioned here is not the “world” that our Lord “loved” (John 3:16).  This is that “world” that hates Christ and us (John 15:18), that world Christ did not pray for (John 17:9), that world we are not of and that hates us (John 17:14), that world that hath not known God (John 17:25), that world that shall be condemned (I Corinthians 11:32), and that world of iniquity (James 3:6).  The “world” He “loved” is the “world” that He took the sins away from (John 1:29), the “world” that He “saved” (John 3:17), and it is the “world” we are not of (John 15:19).  So, this “world knoweth us not”, but it is certainly hatefully aware of both our Lord and us.  In this context, the word “knoweth” connotes a loving fellowship with.  We don’t want to be hated and rejected, but while we are living in a “world” that hates Biblical truth, morality, honesty, integrity, humility, gentleness, sincere kindness, mercy, and grace we simply cannot agree and support the choices and deeds of such an ungodly “world”.  Furthermore, as in Biblical times, we understand that if the Children of God do not “stand” (Ephesians 6:13) their Biblical moral ground, they will be overrun by the wicked world around them, for the wicked “world” has no desire to do good or to be good unless the Holy Spirit Changes their wicked heart.  By the grace and mercy of our Almighty God, we live in a Country in which “we the people” can affect the leadership of our Country in order to restore good order, moral decency, and good judgment to our government, a government that protects us from the wicked “world” around us.  So, let us “stand” our Biblical ground and pray for our leaders and our Country, and be responsible Christian citizens of our Country!