2022-08-24 “God is not the author of confusion”

I Corinthians 14:33  “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

There is at least one place on this earth where we should always find a distilling sense of “peace” infused with the most tender Brotherly Love; that place is in the “churches of the saints” of God.  This blessed “peace” is necessarily devoid of political debates and the chaos that rages around us.  This Holy “peace” is achieved when the singular focus is upon the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6) Himself and not man and his perceived glory.  The opposite of this “peace” is “confusion”!  There is a most distasteful state of “confusion” when there is disorder and chaos in the House of God.  In context, there is “confusion” when some behave with arrogance, when there are arguments, when people speak over each other, when preachers speak in an unintelligible manner, and when the preaching is unbiblical.  “God is not the author of confusion”; man, in his lustful carnal nature causes and feeds this “confusion”.  The Church meets to worship God, not to party, not to play, not to be entertained, and not to debate or to vent.  The Church is not an extension of a political party.  It is a most pleasing sight to see “the saints” gathering in, speaking to one another, embracing one another, expressing their love for each other; all the while moving toward their seats anxiously waiting for the moment when they can raise their voices together in hymns of praise and bow their heads in humble prayer and hungerly listen to the Preached Word of God.  And, when its time to depart, they slowly move toward the door clinging to those last moments of “peace” before again stepping into the chaotic world.  Our souls hunger for this blessed peace and thrives upon it; therefore, Paul further exhorts us to “Let all things be done unto edifying.” (I Corinthians 14:26) and “Let all things be done decently and in order.” (I Corinthians 14:40).