Philippians 2:4 “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”
In today’s world we have an abundance of me-first folks and some who are me-only. They seem to have little to no concern for the wellbeing of others; when they do express concern for others, it appears their concern is expressed only for the subtle advancement of themselves. The me-first folks go to great lengths to have their personal needs and wants and desires and lusts satisfied without any concern for the needs of those around them. The me-only crowd will expend themselves to take all the wealth and goods and services and benefits to themselves while everyone else is left to struggle to have even a servile existence. But Christianity teaches us to prefer others even before ourselves, that is we are to even joyfully disadvantage ourselves so that others can have an advantage. This is what real Christian “charity” (I Corinthians 13) looks like; for, it is real love that is demonstrated by actions, it is not just the touting of big self-glorifying speeches, it is seen in the humble actions of those who have it. It is not necessary to ask these folks if they are Christian, you can see that they are by their deeds. Let us pray that the Lord our merciful God will stir the hearts of His people and such blessed humility will fill the Churches and sweep across our Country and guide our elected officials in making and executing laws and will dominate our Government!