2022-10-24 “for you it is safe”

Philippians 3:1  “Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.

When led of the Spirit to do so, it is beneficial to the Church for the ministers of the Gospel to preach “the same things”.  Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus had all previously preached at the Philippian Church, Paul makes no apology for writing about the “same things” that were previously preached there.  He is emphasizing that they all believed and preached the “same things”, not exactly the same wording, but the same topic areas are covered; furthermore, these Preachers had the “same” understanding and preached the “same” Doctrinal truths, emphasizing certain topics that especially pertained to them at that time.  This harmony among the Preachers “is safe” for the Church; that is, hearing multiple sermons on the same topics and now having these topics in print “is safe” for the Church; that is, it gives the Church better understanding and establishes the importance of key topics, which strengthens them and us against false doctrines and the “enemies of the cross” (Philippians 3:18).  Such preaching is somewhat like military training; that is, preaching is constant and often repetitive to make and keep us skillful in the use of the “whole armour of God” and Doctrinally strong so that we “may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11) and “be able to withstand in the evil day” (Ephesians 6:13).  I’ve heard many, many sermons on the same topics, and each time I learn something.  We need to be so strengthened; for “even now are there many antichrists” (I John 2:18) laying traps and setting up ambushes for the Children of God!