2023-02-21 When Times Are Tough

When Times Are Tough

When Times Are Tough

By: Brother Ron Colson, Sr.

When times are tough and hope seems weak

The Lord remaineth strong:

His blessings flow, His mercies show

His love goes on and on.

Our faith may wane but lose not hope

Turn to Him with each breath.

He’s never failed and never will:

He’s with you unto death.

He’s planted you with loved ones, dear,

They’re here to lean upon.

So, call on them and seek their help

When trials come along.

He’ll never leave you burdened down

He’ll always make a way

Just turn to Him when hardships come,

Fall on your knees and pray.

The Lord is there to fill your cup

And will as you stay near.

But wander off, away from Him,

And you’ll know doubts and fear.

But if you’ll seek to hold His hand

And walk the path He’s lit

Your cup, He’ll fill. Your heart, He’ll thrill.

And you shall rest a bit!

By: Brother Ron Colson