2023-04-19 “let us love one another”

I John 4:7  “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

In the phrase, “let us love one another”, the word “love” is that God-given “love” that brilliantly radiates to those around us.  Our Brethren and Sisters in Christ can see our “love” for them in the expressions on our face, they can hear our “love” for them in the way we speak with them, they can feel our “love” for them in the way we embrace them, they are assured of our “love” for them by the tender respect we show to them, they rejoice in our “love” for them because we include them in our lives and we become part of their lives, they are encouraged by our “love” as we show sincere concern for them in there troubles and rejoice with them in their blessings, they are comforted by our “love” knowing that we “love” them just because we “love” them and not because we want to gain some benefit from them, and they are at ease with us because we summarily forgive.  And, above all, we “love” and worship the same God together with them!  Thus, John issues this Command from God, “let us love one another”; that is, don’t restrain it, “let” this blessed “love” radiate brilliantly to our Beloved Brethren and Sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord!