2023-04-19 “loveth … knoweth God”

I John 4:7  “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

The practical evidence that a person “knoweth God” is the deep, sincere “love” that they show towards “God”.  To know “God”, in this context, is to have a tender-loving and committed reverence for “God”.  This “love” is instilled within the Children of God at the instant they are “born again” by the “Holy Spirit” (John 3:1-8).  This is why our Lord so plainly declared, “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37); that is, “come” to lovingly know Him and to show it by following Him.  This “love” is evidenced in a persons overwhelming desire for the things of “God”; they seek to learn more and more about God, they become students of His Holy Word, they are not ashamed to pray to their Almighty “God”, they speak with loving and high Reverence for “God”, they strive to live moral lives, they are known for their high integrity, they are known for their kindness and generosity in all their dealings, and they are anxious to speak to others about their Loving “God”.  Their “love” reaches a very great pinnacle when they join themselves to our Lord’s Church/Bride.  They greatly rejoice in their Baptism, for it is a physical testimony that they believe that their beloved Lord and Savior sacrificially gave His precious life to save them from their sins (Matthew 1:21) and that (after three days and three nights in the tomb) He rose from the dead, He was then seen on earth for forty days, He then ascended into Heaven, and one day He will raise His Children from the dead to be forever with Him In Heaven (John 6:1-5).  These meek and humble Children of “God” joyfully make great sacrifices to follow their Lord, go to and be a part of His Precious Church/Bride, and to be known as Children of “God” in every part of their lives.  They openly proclaim, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” (II Timothy 1:12)!