2023-04-23 Misfortune But Blessed

Brother Ron Colson sent me this most fitting and encouraging poem this morning; many of our Church family are sick with COVID and cannot attend services this morning, including me.  Brother Terry Sesco will lead the services, and we will join him on Youtube.  —  Thank you Brother Ron for sharing this lovely poem.

Misfortune But Blessed

On this blessed Sunday morning

Though misfortune comes our way

Let us, Lord, be no less thankful

Let us not forget to pray

Help us now to count our blessings

And recall the vict’ry won

How our debt was paid and cancelled

By your pure and perfect Son

Let us not forget the promise

By a God who cannot lie

Of our home prepared in Glory

Where, no tears, we’ll ever cry

So, though now we sit in anguish

For a moment seem dismayed

Keep our thoughts upon our Savior

And the price, for us, He paid

Put a song upon our lips, Lord

Put a joy in our heart

Till that day when we shall gather

Never more to be apart.