2023-05-16 “known and believed the love that God hath to us”

I John 4:16  “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

When “God” indwells us, we know and believe “the love that God hath to us” because He gives us of His Spirit (I John 4:13) to feel and rejoice in His “love”.  Furthermore, this word “love” points to the manifold ways that “God” demonstrates His “love” toward us.  Our “God” demonstrates His “love” for us when He Gives us Spiritual Birth, when He endows us with the knowledge of His “love” for us, when He lets us know that He is hearing our prayers, when He blesses us to hear and rejoice in His Gospel, when He swells our hearts with joy each time we are blessed to meet in fellowship and worship with His Church, when He fills us with great joy of His assurance that “God” the Son gave His Precious Life for us and that He has an Eternal Home for us, when we feel Him leading us in this present life, and when we experience Him delivering us from or through the many tribulations of this present life.  The magnitude and joy of his blessed “love” far exceeds the “love” for natural things; so much so, that Paul wrote, “the love of Christ constraineth us” (II Corinthians 5:14); that is, His “love” binds and focuses our lives upon our “God” and powerfully motivates us into His service.  Now, we joyfully sing, “I Love My Savior God”!