2023-05-30 Belief And Love Comes With Spiritual Birth

I John 5:1  “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

We don’t believe in order to become Children of God; but, we believe because we are Children of God, “born of God”, given Spiritual Birth (John 3:1-8).  Furthermore, those who truly love God the Father also loves God the Son; that is, He “that is begotten of him”.  Also, notice the wording, it is “Whosoever believeth” and “every one that loveth”; not “Whosoever” will believe or “every one that” will love; as if they have some choice in the matter or control over it.  Both “believeth” and “loveth” are in the historical present tense, meaning that they have been, are, and will continue to be in this state of believing and loving.  Which means that we do not and cannot make ourselves believe and love, neither can anyone else make us believe or love.  But, the Holy Spirit endows us with this blessed belief and love at the very instant that we are “born of God”.  So, the sure evidence to us and those around us that we are “born of God”, “begotten of him” is that we believe “that Jesus is the Christ” and that we love God the Father and God the Son.  Along with loving God, we also love other Born-Again Children of God, for they also are “born of God” by Spiritual Birth; they are our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord!