2023-07-13 Pastoral Love For The Church, “elect lady and her children”

I John 1:1  “The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth;  2  For the truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.

The force that animates a Pastor in his service, is the God-given gift of “love in the truth”.  The Spirit of God working within the Pastor’s heart and mind, draws and compels him into service.  This Pastoral “love” was a fundamental characteristic of the Apostle’s calling.  To emphasize this “love”, three times the Lord asked Peter, “lovest thou me”; and then, He Commands Peter to “Feed my lambs” and “Feed my sheep” (John 21:15-17); that is, be a Pastor.  All born again Children of God are given this mystic love, which is first felt from the Lord, which then creates, in the hearts and minds of His Children, a deep and most sincere love for the Lord, for His Gospel, and for His Church.  But, God gives His Pastors a powerful and unique “love” for the Church where they are to Pastor, and with that “love” there is an extraordinary sense (blessed burden) of responsibility for both the Spiritual Welfare and life’s needs of the Church and its members (“the elect lady and her children”).  This Pastoral “love” is somewhat like the caring “love” that godly parents have for their children.  This “love” is assuring evidence to a Pastor that he is being called to Serve as a Church’s Pastor.  And, the Spirit of God also gives the Church a “love” to follow and support their Pastor as He leads them according to the Word of God, always declaring that Jesus Christ is the Head-Pastor, while the called Pastor is simply an under shepherd to the Great Shepherd.  John is writing of this blessed “love” in the most tender terms, having no reservations about declaring his love for the Church.  Let us sincerely pray that our Lord will call and raise up Loving Pastors for His “elect lady and her children” and that He will mightily prosper His Pastors and His Churches, to His Glory!