2023-07-18 “we have seen and heard declare”

I John 1:3  “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

John tells us that, in accurate teachings, we are only two steps from Jesus.  John and the other Apostles saw Jesus, heard Him speak, saw His miracles, saw Him Crucified, saw His dead body, saw Him after His Resurrection, and saw Him ascend back to the Father.  And, what they had “seen and heard” of Jesus Christ is what they even now “declare” to us in the written Word.  It is the Word of God, for God blessed them to “declare” (write) “as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (II Peter 1:21).  Thus, we are blessed of God to hold in our hands the, God Inspired, and perfectly accurate, first-hand testimony of the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  It is free of human philosophy, carnal intrigue, and man’s imagination.  This is why the Apostle Paul, in his apostolic authority, Commands preachers to “preach the word” (II Timothy 4:2); that is “preach the word” exclusively, without embellishment, without alteration, without addition, without exclusion, and without carnal fancy.  I stand in awe each time I take the Word of God in my hands; for, the actual Author is God Himself; and as we are blessed to hold it, we get to read it, to study it, and to joyfully live by it!