2023-07-26 “that your joy may be full”

II John 1:4  “And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

Every God-Called Pastor’s most earnest desire is to first obediently serve the Lord and then to Preach, Teach, and Lead the Church in such a way that their “joy may be full”.  In his Apostolic/Pastoral heart, John is exhorting the Church to pay close attention to “these things write we unto you”; that is, “things” concerning God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and obedience to His Commandments.  Learning “these things” and living them is the key to “full” “joy”.  We are certain to endure very difficult things in life, but as we learn and heed the “things” taught in the Word of God we are blessed with “joy”, even in the very midst of the most trying times.  This “joy” in troubled times comes from the knowledge that we are not alone in our trouble, for the Lord is with us.  Furthermore, by our God-given faith we know His promises and we know that His promises are sure.  So, no matter how dark the trouble may be, the “light” of our Lord is going to burn through even the darkest clouds of trouble.  So, with “joy” we read the Word of God, listen as the Gospel is Preached and Taught, and walk out our lives in the Light of the Gospel; rejoicing in the Lord and that Brighter days are just ahead!