2023-10-17 “things created”

Colossians 1:16  “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

I can think of no greater peace and comfort than that which we receive in knowing that the God Who chose me and loves me and “hath saved” (II Timothy 1:9) me, is the very same God, Lord Jesus Christ, Who had the power and did create “all things”.  He “created” “all things, that are in heaven”; that is, “all things” that are above or are not “in earth”; to include all the magnificent heavenly bodies.  He “created” the “earth” itself and “all things, that are in … earth”; that is, “all things” that are attached to and part of the “earth”, including “all” creatures upon the “earth”.  He “created” “all things, that are … visible and invisible”; that is, He “created” “all things” that we see with our natural eye and those things that are too small to see, beyond our sight, and spiritual beings such as angels that we do not see.  He “created” “all things” even “thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers”; that is, He “created” “all” those governments and organizations and authorities that rule over and govern our lives; and He has the power to raise up and put down the authorities according to His will.  Furthermore, “all things were created by him”; that is, He “created” “all things” by Himself, with no help or contribution from anyone or anything, and certainly no help from that which He “created”.  And, He “created” “all things” “for him”; that is, for His pleasure and His glory!  This Great Creator is the same God who eternally loves me, will not forsake me, “hath saved” me, watches over and protects me, guides me, delivers me, comforts me, helps me, forgives me, and will not leave me behind on the great day of the Resurrection.  Surely, He is worthy of all our love, allegiance, obedience, and worship!  I rejoice to be privileged to bow before such and Almighty God!