2023-11-15 Christ’s Body “which is the church”2023-11-15

Colossians 1:24  “Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church:

The “church” is shown to be the Body of Christ, for she is “his wife” (Revelation 19:7; 21:9; Ephesians 5:23-33) and as marriage binds the husband and wife as “one flesh”, so is Christ eternally bound as one body with His “bride” “the church”.  He so loved her that He Sacrificed Himself to cleanse her and glorify her to Himself.  While she remains on this earth, He has called out Servants to watch over her, to feed her with the Gospel, and to care for her according to His Commandments in the Word of God.  He instills within His Servants (Pastors, Preachers) a committed love for her and a deep sense of responsibility for her.  These Servants care for her welfare, and they must always remember that she is the Lord’s “bride” and that they are merely His servants.  For our learning and example, Paul tells of the “sufferings” he joyfully endured in his service to the Lord and His “bride”.  The hymnist (J. F. Parker) wrote of her: “The church of Christ we have today, a blessing from the Lord; He gave her to His Son to save, And take her home above … No queen with all her glory here Was ever so fair.”  As portions of His “bride” are drawn by the Spirit to assemble for worship, there is not a sight on this earth more beautiful and glorious.  Our Lord is worthy of any “sufferings” that we might endure for the sake of His beloved “bride”!