2023-11-27 “Whereunto I also labour”

Colossians 1:26-(28-29)  “Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus29  Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.

Here the Apostle Paul uses language that every faithful minister of our Lord’s Gospel clearly understands.  He refers to the ministry as “labour” and “striving”.  The Lord called Paul to be an Apostle, and Paul understood that other Ministers were also called to “labour” and strive in the Lord’s service.  The Apostles did not, and the Lord’s other Ministers do not “labour” to satisfy their vain pride, to obtain glory for themselves, or to feed their carnal ego; but, they serve to proclaim the Glory of the Lord.  They serve to obey and please the Lord that called them into service.  Paul exhorts the Churches to “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.” (I Timothy 5:17).  Twice, he refers to ministers as “the ox that treadeth out the corn” (I Corinthians 9:9; I Timothy 5:18).  This “labour” and “striving” is “according to” the Lord’s “working” which he “worketh” within His Ministers; that is, He gifts them with the ability and an overwhelming urge to humbly serve as His Ministers.  It is called “labour” and “striving” because it is hard work, but the Lord makes it a “labour” of love; love for God, for His Gospel, for His people, and for His Church.  What people see is their Ministers dressed well, smiling, encouraging, and Preaching our Lord’s Gospel.  What they don’t see is their Ministers on their knees (early and late, oftentimes in their pajamas) crying out to their Lord for wisdom and understanding of His Word and the Grace to clearly and profoundly Preach His Word; and searching hour after hour to understand what a particular word or passage of Scripture means, comparing Scripture with Scripture, striving to make sure that their understanding is according to the Lord’s meaning, always seeking His meaning and not their own interpretation, and weeping with joy as the Lord gives them understanding.  Neither do they see their Ministers quietly and gently working to maintain peace and loving fellowship among the Church.  I once saw a farmer leaning on the fence, looking out on his field where the little plants were just beginning to break through the soil, and then bowing his head toward the ground.  He had labored in love to prepare the field and to plant the field and now he was praying and watching as the Lord was giving the increase (I Corinthians 3:7).  So, it is much the same with the Lord’s ministers who spend their time in “labour” and “striving”.  Please pray for them!