2024-01-02 Sweet Words For Those In Calamities

Psalms 141:6  “When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words; for they are sweet.

When “the righteous” were “in their calamities”, the Psalmist prayed for them (Psalms 141:5) and he declares that “they shall hear my words; for they are sweet”!  There is no doubt that deliverance was on the way; for the Psalmist proclaims that, “When their [wicked] judges are overthrown”, not IF but “When” they “are overthrown”!  It seems that “the righteous” had fled into “stony places”; but, it was there that the Lord overthrew their enemies.  There are indeed times in life when the adversaries of God’s people seek to destroy their peace and push them away.  There is much written in both Biblical and secular history about how the faithful Children of God have been much mistreated and have had to flee for refuge into “stony places”; that is, wilderness regions that were hard to travel and live in.  In such times the Lord our loving “good shepherd” (John 10:11,14) knows of our distress and sends “words” of comfort to help and encourage until the stormy troubles are past.  He sends such “sweet” “words” of the Lord as, “… they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.” (Isaiah 19:20).  So, it is with us, we can rest assured, for our “good shepherd” knows our troubles and sends both “sweet” “words” and His Gracious Deliverance!