2024-02-15 “Pray for us”2024-02-15

Hebrews 13:18  “Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.

Compared to God, man is weak, frail, sinful, and prone to frequent failures.  The Apostles recognized their human weaknesses, thus they prayed often, exhorted others to pray, and asked others to “Pray for” them.  They knew that they would certainly fail and go astray without the Lord’s merciful and gracious leadership and deliverance.  They relied upon the God that has perfect Wisdom, perfect Power, perfect Will, and perfect Love.  They trusted the “good conscience” that God had placed within them.  This “conscience” is the indwelling “Spirit of truth” that guided them “into all truth” and the “Spirit” showed them “things to come” (John 16:13).  This God-given “conscience” is what motivates and gives the Children of God the will “to live honestly”.  In this context, “to live honestly” is to, by divine revelation, understand the truth of God, live the truth of God, preach and teach the truth of God, and refuse to be swayed from the truth of God.  The Apostles were honest in their preaching, teaching, and writing; they were not influenced by public opinion, fear of opposition, carnal lusts, etc.  They simply declared the “truth” of God in all situations and at all times, even in the very face of severe tribulations.  They knew that they could do so only by God’s provision and deliverance; thus, they prayed and requested prayer for themselves.  Let us likewise pray for our Pastors/Preachers and for one another!