2024-04-01 “the praises of the LORD”

Psalms 78:4  “We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.

To “shew” is to enumerate, to explain in a detailed and clear and orderly way that is easy to understand and remember.  The word “shew” signifies a much greater weight of urgency and action than to simply tell or show.  The necessity of “the praises of the LORD” are of such gravity, that religious leaders and parents are Commanded to teach them thoroughly and clearly to the children so that they can learn, understand, and worshipfully issue forth “the praises of the LORD”, giving full allegiance to Him.  In Old Testament time, “the praises of the LORD” included faithful adherence to the myriad of Holy Days, feasts, sacrifices, offerings, and attending services at the Temple.  Under the blessed grace of the New Testament, “the praises” include regularly attending worship services, reading and learning the Word of God, conforming our lives and manner of living to the Word of God, and conducting ourselves with such high morality and integrity and faithfulness that no one would have to ask us if we are a Christian.  The high point of “the praises of the LORD” are to be experienced when the Church meets to worship.  In this blessed worship, the Lord our Almighty God and Savior is praised in fellowship, in singing, in praying, and in preaching.  These things must not be hidden from our “children”, but clearly taught by word and our example.  It appears that these things have been hidden, for several generations, from a great many of our “children”.  Now is the time for the Children of God to put on “the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Ephesians 6:13) and to “shew” “the praises of the LORD” to our Children.