2024-09-25 “Remember … repent, and do”

Revelation 2:5  Remember, Repent, DoNevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.  Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

The antidote for drifting away from Loving, Worshipful Service to our Most Beloved Lord is to “Remember” “and repent” and “do the first works”.  Failure to do so, puts us in peril of losing our “candlestick” (Church).  The “candlestick”, Spirit of God that feeds and sustains a Church can be removed entirely from a community, leaving nothing but traditional formalities that are cold and not spiritually satisfying; the result is rank misery in the community and gross sin and immorality among the people; and then, evil begins to drag the community into ruin.  This can happen also to individuals who begin to drift away from their faithful and committed service to our Lord; eventually their lives become cold and miserable.  To “Remember” is to stop and bring back to the forefront of our mind the sweetness and love and joy and contentment we experienced when the Lord was with us and blessing us.  To “repent” is to prayerfully resolve to lovingly return to our faithful and obedient service to the Lord.  To “do the first works” is to get up and start doing those things that fed our soul in times past; such as, daily reading the Word of God, Praying throughout every day, make attending and being a active part of the Lord’s Church our primary priority, speaking to others of the wonderous works of our Lord, reaching out to visit and help others, declare your love for others and show it by our actions, praying for Spiritual sermons, and seeking out and striving to obey our Lord’s Commandments.  Acts Chapter Two, verses Thirty-Eight through Forty-Seven, gives us a beautiful word picture of these “first works”; just reading these verses makes our souls yearn for such sweet joy as all minds are turned to the Lord.  Oh, let us earnestly pray for such a blessed revival among the Lord’s people, and let it start with us.  And then, joyfully marvel as “the Lord” adds “to the church daily such as should be saved” to the Church (Acts 2:47).