2025-02-21 “Abhor … cleave” [From A Previous Note]

Romans 12:9   “Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

In this passage the Apostle Paul presents two extreme opposites.  On one side, the Children of God are charged to “Abhor that which is evil”.  On the other side, we are to “cleave to that which is good”.  To “Abhor” is to be horrified by and to hold “evil” in great disdain, to the degree that we would flee away from “that which is evil”.  To “cleave” is to take hold of “good” and bind ourselves to it as if glued to it, to the degree that we would never be separated from “that which is good”.  Obedience to this commandment requires the Grace of God to guide and help us, a great effort on our part, and a conscious decision and sincere action to apply the Word of God in every part of our lives.  We are given such commandments because our human nature seems attracted to “that which is evil”.  We are plainly exhorted to “be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2).  We all have human weaknesses, even the Apostle Paul confessed, “For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.” (Romans 7:15).  If such a man as Paul was so plagued by a human nature, we should expect no less.  Therefore, let us strive with all diligence to turn away from and “Abhor that which is evil” and “cleave to that which is good” so as to be good and faithful servants of our Lord.