2019-10-24 “but if any man draw back”

Hebrews 10:38  “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him39  But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

To “draw back” is to move away from the simple and sincere doctrine and practice that our Lord has Commanded for His Church, they “draw back” from living “by faith”.  We are highly blessed in our Country at this time, for we suffer very little physical persecution for our practice of religion.  Yet, many “draw back” because they are not satisfied with the simple truths of Salvation By Grace.  Many “draw back” because the Lord’s design for simple worship in His Church does not satisfy their carnal desires for entertainment and activities.  Some “draw back” when they are scoffed at and not accepted in social circles when they declare the simplicity and sincerity that our Lord Commanded for His Church.  Some “draw back” because the Lord’s simple Church does not have the carnal grandeur that they crave.  Some “draw back” because they love the legalistic controls of human authorities.  Some “draw back” simply because they want to follow the majority, they want to be a part of society.  Some “draw back” because the sweet and simple Gospel is not intellectually satisfying to them.  Some “draw back” because they want to hear how great they are instead of hearing how great our Lord is.  The Lord’s response to those who “draw back” is clear, “my soul shall have no pleasure in him”!  When the Lord has “no pleasure in” us; at some point, He will withhold His blessings and provisions in this present life; then is when we learn that this life’s carnal joys and pleasures cannot protect and sustain us in times of great distress.