2019-12-17 “Great is the LORD”

Psalm 48:1  “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.

Yesterday afternoon I was blessed to sit in a deer stand for a little while.  Brother Terry Sesco set up a very short stand for me because I’m still healing from my back surgery.  As I sat there, I thought “Great is the LORD” Who would move in someone’s heart to so kindly help me.  Hurricane Michael blew down or broke almost all the trees, but there was one little spindly pine still standing that my stand was tied to; as the gentle breeze caused the little tree to sway, I thought “Great is the LORD” Who would rock me much like a loving mother rocks her precious baby to comfort it.  Then, as I watched, a little dove lighted on the stump of a broken tree not far from me, she just sat there and watched me as I watched her; and I thought, “Great is the LORD” Who created such gentle beauty.  As I watched her, I realized that she was alone, she had no mate and she was lonely, so she sat near me, I must have seemed friendly to her; then, I thought “Great is the LORD” Who would let me comfort one of His little lonely creatures.  In the midst of all the devastation, I noticed young trees and wild bushes springing up to replace those that were broken and dead; then, I thought, “Great is the LORD” Who so wonderfully replenishes His creation.  As the sun was going down, the sun was peaking through the clouds; then, I thought, “Great is the LORD” Who shines His majestic glory even through the clouds, much like He shines His mercy and grace through the cloudy troubles of our lives.  Then, I thought, “Great is the LORD” Who would allow even me to behold His majesty, Who so loves someone like me, Who delivers me from all my troubles, Who forgives my sins, and Who would even send His Beloved Son to sacrifice Himself for someone like me!  Ah, truly our “Great” God is “worthy to be praised” in our Churches, in our homes, in the deer stand, etc.!