2020-2-5 “he purgeth it”

John 15:2  “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Fruit bearing bushes, vines, and trees have branches and off-shoots that consume nutrients that would be better used by the branches that are bearing fruit.  The “husbandman” (caretaker) (John 15:2) purges or prunes these unprofitable branches and off-shoots, taking them away so that more and better fruit will be produced.  Those who have spent time in the military well know that a major objective of basic military training is to purge away attitudes and behaviors that would hinder good order and discipline.  Similarly, our Lord, our “husbandman”, purges away ungodly attitudes and behaviors that hinder our faithful service to Him so that we can be even more fruitful in His service.  He purges us in several ways.  One, is by suffering us to be exposed to and experience hard and difficult situations in our lives, compelling us to be even more focused in our attention to Him and spend more time in sincere prayer to Him.  He also works within us to draw us ever closer to Him with His marvelous love.  And, He moves within us, to show us His Omnipotent Power, instilling a loving fear (reverential awe) of Him.  Again, like a knife that is honed to sharpen its edge, the owner moves the cutting edge across the grindstone, which grinds away some of the metal, leaving a sharp and effective edge on the knife.  Then the owner applies a thin coat of soothing oil to prevent rust.  In like manner, our Lord uses the difficult and trying times of our lives to hone us for His service, and He always gently and lovingly applies the soothing oil of His merciful grace to us.  Those who are so purged and honed, become much more productive servants of God!