2020-2-10 “Herein is my Father glorified”

John 15:8  “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

A tree that bears “much fruit” is indicative of the allegorical good seed from which it came and the nourishment and good care it received from the moment it was planted.  The good seed in us is “Christ in you” (Colossians 1:27); and He makes His presence known in us at the moment we are “born again” (John 3:1-8).  From that very moment we are to prayerfully nourish our good seed with much prayer, with reading and obeying the Word of God, and with attending and participating in the Lord’s Church.  We “bear much fruit” onto our Lord by prayer, singing, participating in His Church, and living in such a way that no one has to ask if we are a Christian.  Our very language, moral behavior, demonstrations of brotherly love and kindness, and frequent mentions of our Lord should testify of who we are; for, we are Commanded to “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16).  In doing so, we glorify our Heavenly “Father”; that is, we honor Him, we lift His blessed name up before men, and testify that He is love, grace, mercy, and faith to us; that is, He is everything to us.  Our faithfulness to our Heavenly “Father” also testifies that we are “disciples” of Jesus Christ our Lord and Master.  To be a disciple is to be obedient student-followers of our Lord!  Those who glorify the “Father” and are “disciples” of Jesus Christ naturally “bear much fruit”.  They bear the “fruit” of loving obedience and worship unto our Lord; and when others, in whom the Lord has planted his precious seed, see our “good works” they also “glorify your Father which is in heaven”, and they will ask “you a reason of the hope that is in you” (I Peter 3:15).  When they ask, we are to “answer” their question “with meekness and fear” (I Peter 3:15).  Thus, the glorious message of Jesus Christ spreads abroad and, again, our Heavenly “Father” is glorified, and we become known as “disciples” of Jesus Christ!