2020-4-8 “this I know; for God is for me”

Psalms 56:9  “When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.

In times of distress and confusion and fear, it is good to pause and reflect upon the great power and loving mercy of our God and to “cry unto” our “God” to worshipfully praise Him and plead our cause before Him.  As we pause and reflect upon the mercies of our God, we are strengthened and encouraged in our resolve to remain “stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (I Corinthians 15:58).  “Enemies” are hostile toward us and seek to do us harm, and some of our enemies are Goliaths, mightier than we are.  But, “When” we “cry unto” our “God”, “then shall” our “enemies turn back”.  It is true that our God moves and acts in a time and manner pleasing to Him; but, “this” we “know”, at some point, our “God” will “turn back” our “enemies”!  An interesting thing happens in times of distress and confusion and fear; those who are accustomed to prayer, are more attentive and urgent in their prayers; many who are not accustomed to prayer, begin to “cry unto” our God; many who are lax in Bible reading, make time to read their Bibles; and, in our present case, those who do not regularly attend Church are participating in Church services on the internet.  We “know” that our “God” will, at some point, turn back our “enemies”, “for God is for” us.  We “know” that our “God is for” us; for, from the very instant that we are Born Of The Spirit, we lovingly “know” our “Good Shepherd” and we “hear” His “voice” (John 10), assuring us that we are greatly loved and that we reside under His Omnipotent protection and provision.  Furthermore, a look backward reveals that He has never forsaken us; thus, we can confidently declare that He will yet again deliver us.  Twenty years from now, folks will say, “Remember how God delivered us from the Coronavirus and restored us; well, He is still on His throne and He’ll do it again”!