2020-07-02 “and be ye thankful”

Colossians 3:15  “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Considering that our merciful and gracious “God” has given us the “rule” of “peace” to guide our “hearts” and that He has “called” us to worshipfully serve Him “in one body”, we have a lot to “be ye thankful” for!  But, the phrase “be ye thankful” refers to not just the act of giving thanks, but also to our general demeanor and course of life.  We are to behave and live in such a way that we continuously show ourselves as being “thankful” to our “God”.  When we do, our thankfulness is like an antidote and vaccine to protect us from confusion and strife.  A good and strong “thankful” attitude is the fuel that empowers and sustains “peace”.  When the “one body” is unified in thanksgiving, the enemy of “peace” has little opportunity to disturb our “peace”.  We have SO much to “be ye thankful” for, we ought to speak often of the great things our God has blessed us with.  When the “one body” meets together we ought to, in sincere prayer, actively unify ourselves to give thanks to our gracious Lord for all the wonderful blessings that He daily gives us, especially our “peace”.  And, we ought to live in such a way that our very lives testify of our thankfulness.